The Heart of Your Business
Instructional Design of the presentation, using the ADDIE model, by Donna Packard
Also, incorporated, the PICK A SEAT Gaming and Motivation design format.
The audience, for this in-person presentation, is made up of staff members of organizations and businesses that are educationally and/or human service oriented. Thus, this will be presented to Adult Learners, taking into consideration their learning styles and needs.
Instructional Goals and Objectives:
• Participants will be able to define what it means to bring spirituality into business
o Learners will understand the importance of bringing purpose,
passion and meaning into the workplace
o Learners will be introduced to the various ways that spirituality
is being successfully integrated into business settings
• Participants will understand how integrating spirituality into business will
help their business to thrive and better serve their customers.
o Learners will discover how integrating spirituality into the workplace
will increased productivity, reduce turnover of employees,
increase profits, develop positive morale, better customer service, etc.
• Participants will understand the concept of the business or organization, and its members, each having a Heart Mission.
o Learners will gain an understanding of the difference of
operating from a love of power to being powered by Love
o They will be able to define the Heart and Soul of their business or organization.
• Participants will understand the importance and value of integrating spirituality into their personal and professional lives at this time.
o Learners will discover a new ‘bottom line’ that is
focused on People, Planet and Profits.
Delivery Options:
• This Initial introduction will be via in person group presentation
o Powerpoint
o Discussion
o Experiential learning components
o Gaming and motivational tools
• As the program develops, an online, introductory component will be developed
to be presented via multimedia including Powerpoint, audios, Flash and video presentations, as well as webinars and teleconferencing. The initial Powerpoint will be reworked for online presentation with attention to not overloading the learner with words on the screen while narrating, rather the narration will coordinate with appropriate images that assist the learner in understanding the concepts.
• Follow –up group and individual coaching and training sessions will be offered to members of the organization or staff of the business via face-to-face, teleconference and/or Skype.
• Within one year, an E-book with companion workbook will be available for download
• A train the trainer certification program will be designed.
This ADDIE will be focused on the initial in-person presentation.
Constraints: Work schedules and demands may make it difficult to gather everyone for the initial introductory session. Therefore, handouts, Powerpoint, and a recorded session of the face-to-face group presentation will be made available to those who are unable to attend.
Timeline for project completion:
Initial Powerpoint draft developed : January 2012
Finalize Powerpoint and develop handouts designed and printed: To be completed by end of February 2012
Pilot group and revisions: March 2012
a. Determine instructional, visual and technical design strategy.
b. Determine important points to include in Powerpoint presentation and handouts
c. Make notes of additional points to explain slides and for group discussion
d. Design experiential pieces where divide into groups to problem-solve
a. Do this with gaming motivation in mind.
i. Teams will form to brain storm and problem-solve
ii. They will achieve goals of discovering ways to bring
spirituality into their workplace
iii. They will be motivated by “Epic Win” where each team gains
points for various aspects of bringing spirituality into the workplace
they design. There will be a winning team (though all teams
of course will be winners in the end.)
Create the Powerpoint presentation and handouts to be presented to pilot group to determine where revisions may be needed. Determine the ‘branding’ to be consistently used throughout all presentations and promotions.
This workshop will first be implemented with a pilot group of business owners that have agreed to participate. This will help to determine what is working well, what needs to be adjusted, and what needs to be added.
The implementation phase will integrate concepts from gaming and motivation’s Pick A Seat:
o Pacing: Determine the pacing for presentation and the timing for the breakout teams. All teams will be working at the same time and reporting back to the overall group.
o Instruction: Teach the important points with the Power Point presentation guiding the teaching steps and discussion points. Teams will be given instructions as to what they are to accomplish to earn points during the breakout groups.
o Controls: Give the group various ‘controls’ for sharing, including using a talking stick to give everyone an equal voice; breaking into groups for practice in group problem-solving; show the groups how their teams will earn points. They will be using templates to manipulate old ways of doing things into new formats.
o Knowledge: Learners entering this workshop or ‘game’ will not have an understanding of all of the benefits of integrating spirituality into the workplace. When they leave, they will have an understanding of what it means to integrate spirituality and also an understanding of what ‘spirituality’ in this context means. They will have discovered how various businesses are bringing spirituality into the workplace.
o Achievements: Throughout the workshop, various steps of achievement will happen, including solving problems/challenges, achieving new knowledge, etc. There will be short term achievements in what is accomplished within the workshop timeframe and long term achievements in what is implemented that brings benefits to the workplace.
o Story: There is a story throughout this that is based on living in a world that is powered by Love.
o Endgame: Points will be tallied from group break out sessions to see which team has the highest score. The end is after all team assignments are completed.
o Assessment: Point out all that was gained and learned by all teams. This is a time for a review of important points from the lesson and also to assess what participants and teams gained that they can take back to implement in their workplaces.
o Timing: Timing of all segments are important to stay on track, keep participants interested, hold their attention and engage them in the learning process. Adjustments may need to be made to shorten or lengthen segments of the workshop presentation.
Fun and motivation are also integrated into this learning process. The teams will have fun working together and with the challenge of gaining more points than other teams. The presentations will be light and inspirational and listeners will be motivated by the benefits they can receive in implementing spirituality into their personal and professional lives.
Later implementation will include presenting to various businesses and organizations.
Also, after later developmental stages, this program will expand to incorporate a train the trainer program so that members of businesses, organizations and community members will be able to offer this presentation to their staff and community.
The ongoing evaluation of this program will sum up the feedback, surveys, and program evaluations to determine what worked, what didn’t, what else needs to be addressed, what obstacles and challenges showed up and where changes may be made to improve this program, products and presentation. In summarizing the evaluation of formative evaluation and feedback, it will be determined whether the instructional objectives were met.
CAPSTONE PROJECT PART II - Certificate Program:
Here is the Powerpoint presentation I created. This will be presented at face-to-face introductory workshops, the pages serving as starting points for teaching, discussions, teamwork, integrated with gaming and motivation. You may view this Powerpoint presentation below or full screen at:The Heart of Your Business by Donna Packard, M.Ed.
The Heart of Your Business