A Collective Journey With Donna Packard
Tools for teaching and building community online
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Action Plan is done!
Hi, Well the Action Plan is posted! At first, I couldn't figure out how to get it on the Action Plan page, so it went to this Home Page of the blog....then, I did end up getting it posted on the Action Plan page where it belongs:-) Better to have it in two places than not here at all:-) It's also in the Google Documents for those of you Full Sail folks that want to look at it there.
CSC Project Action Plan
Donna Packard
EMDT Certificate Action Plan for Certificate Student Capstone (CSC) Project
October 2011
Goal/End Product:
I am planning to create a short video series to provide educational content to my online audience. This will also serve as a marketing tool. I will offer this educational video series for free to prospective customers/clients.
Target Audience:
My target audience are spiritually-oriented women entrepreneurs, solo entrepreneurs, coaches, and practitioners between the ages of 35 and 65. The needs and wants of this audience will effect my decisions so that what I have to offer will solve a problem or challenge they are facing.
Experts or test group:
My test group is made up of 4 spiritually oriented entrepreneurs all of whom are starting or developing a spiritually-oriented practice or business.
The overall goal of this project is for me to further develop my educational design skills and to integrate this with utilization of media/technology tools, improving upon my very basic knowledge of filmmaking, etc. My goal is to create educational products that are professionally designed, developed and presented.
Plan and Design scripts of video presentations.
Determine content and relevance to my target audience.
Identify video series by successful Internet information marketers to serve as models upon which to base my presentation.
Develop and produce the video series.
Review the video series in collaboration with target audience test team.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the videos.
Present the project to the certificate panel in a virtual environment.
Upload final video series to sales pages
Distribute sales page to potential customers via e-mail and social media
Materials and Resources:
Take online courses in the Full Sail University Education and Media Technology Certificate program with access to all materials, classes, resources as provided by the instructor and school.
MacBook Pro with relevant software including iMovie11
Models from successful online internet marketers to follow
Ability to work within Wordpress environment to design webpages for people to sign up for the free video series. This is important to collect names and email address for building my list of prospective customers.
www.lynda.com for training purposes
Procedure and Timeline:
To complete my planned project within the time frame of the EMDT program, I must complete the steps within 4 months.
I am planning to use AceProject since I wanted a free project management system.
Click this link to Ace Project. However, if I find this does not offer me the best system for this project, I may changeover to another management system.
Steps include:
Completion of all four FSO courses and projects within them. See sections below, Months 1 through 4 for goals within each of those sections.
Within these course time frames, during Month 2, I will determine the instructional design of my project and videos. I will have access to an expert internet marketing coach during the early weeks of November and will get feedback from her, in addition to instructor feedback.
During Month 3, I will learn filmmaking techniques and develop the short video series.
In Month 4, I will present this series to my target audience test group for feedback and revisions as needed.
Resources: Please keep a running list of the resources you gather and use through the process.
Resources to date include:
www.blogger.com and the blog I set up to present projects to instructors and other students
My blog URL is www.donna-packard.blogspot.com
iGoogle for quick access to my online environment
Google documents to share and update my action plan with FSO staff and other students in the program
www.lynda.com for training
Month 1 - ETC
● Create Action Plan
● Identify goals, objectives, and end product - what do you want to accomplish with this certificate?
● Create calendar or timeline with action required task list.
● Begin CSC Project
The Action Plan is complete. It may be revised as I learn more and determine there are additional steps or resources needed.
Month 2 - DAE
● Incorporating solid instructional design methods and learning theory into your media-based project or technology-based solution.
I plan to utilize this time to design the videos to be certain the content is both meaningful for my audience and that it is also designed to motivate them to action.
Month 3 - FPE
● Apply professional film making principles to a video or series of videos, which will enhance your media-based project or technology-based solution.
I plan to learn film making principles that will enhance my current ‘newbie’ abilities in the arena of filmmaking and iMovie11
Month 4 - GSM
● Implement your media-based project or technology-based solution with your target audience test group.
● Create a video - 4-5 minutes in length - to present your CSC project.
● Present your video to certificate panel in a virtual environment.
My target audience test group will view the videos created, and, these videos will also be presented for review by the FSO certificate panel.
When writing the script for the videos, I will have it reviewed by an expert Internet marketing coach, as well as by my target market test group. Once any necessary revisions are made, and the short video series is created, again, the test group will review for feedback and revisions. I also will evaluate to determine if I have met my objectives for this project.
Reflection: Create a product (your choice) to reflect on the entire process. Ask yourself:
What did you learn in terms of content and skills?
What would you do differently if you could start at the beginning and repeat the process?
Where will this take you in the future?
Post this to the CSC Project page of your blog.
I will complete this reflection at the end of the certificate program. As that time nears, I will know what type of product I will present this in, whether a written report, powerpoint presentation, audio, or otherwise
EMDT Certificate Action Plan for Certificate Student Capstone (CSC) Project
October 2011
Goal/End Product:
I am planning to create a short video series to provide educational content to my online audience. This will also serve as a marketing tool. I will offer this educational video series for free to prospective customers/clients.
Target Audience:
My target audience are spiritually-oriented women entrepreneurs, solo entrepreneurs, coaches, and practitioners between the ages of 35 and 65. The needs and wants of this audience will effect my decisions so that what I have to offer will solve a problem or challenge they are facing.
Experts or test group:
My test group is made up of 4 spiritually oriented entrepreneurs all of whom are starting or developing a spiritually-oriented practice or business.
The overall goal of this project is for me to further develop my educational design skills and to integrate this with utilization of media/technology tools, improving upon my very basic knowledge of filmmaking, etc. My goal is to create educational products that are professionally designed, developed and presented.
Plan and Design scripts of video presentations.
Determine content and relevance to my target audience.
Identify video series by successful Internet information marketers to serve as models upon which to base my presentation.
Develop and produce the video series.
Review the video series in collaboration with target audience test team.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the videos.
Present the project to the certificate panel in a virtual environment.
Upload final video series to sales pages
Distribute sales page to potential customers via e-mail and social media
Materials and Resources:
Take online courses in the Full Sail University Education and Media Technology Certificate program with access to all materials, classes, resources as provided by the instructor and school.
MacBook Pro with relevant software including iMovie11
Models from successful online internet marketers to follow
Ability to work within Wordpress environment to design webpages for people to sign up for the free video series. This is important to collect names and email address for building my list of prospective customers.
www.lynda.com for training purposes
Procedure and Timeline:
To complete my planned project within the time frame of the EMDT program, I must complete the steps within 4 months.
I am planning to use AceProject since I wanted a free project management system.
Click this link to Ace Project. However, if I find this does not offer me the best system for this project, I may changeover to another management system.
Steps include:
Completion of all four FSO courses and projects within them. See sections below, Months 1 through 4 for goals within each of those sections.
Within these course time frames, during Month 2, I will determine the instructional design of my project and videos. I will have access to an expert internet marketing coach during the early weeks of November and will get feedback from her, in addition to instructor feedback.
During Month 3, I will learn filmmaking techniques and develop the short video series.
In Month 4, I will present this series to my target audience test group for feedback and revisions as needed.
Resources: Please keep a running list of the resources you gather and use through the process.
Resources to date include:
www.blogger.com and the blog I set up to present projects to instructors and other students
My blog URL is www.donna-packard.blogspot.com
iGoogle for quick access to my online environment
Google documents to share and update my action plan with FSO staff and other students in the program
www.lynda.com for training
Month 1 - ETC
● Create Action Plan
● Identify goals, objectives, and end product - what do you want to accomplish with this certificate?
● Create calendar or timeline with action required task list.
● Begin CSC Project
The Action Plan is complete. It may be revised as I learn more and determine there are additional steps or resources needed.
Month 2 - DAE
● Incorporating solid instructional design methods and learning theory into your media-based project or technology-based solution.
I plan to utilize this time to design the videos to be certain the content is both meaningful for my audience and that it is also designed to motivate them to action.
Month 3 - FPE
● Apply professional film making principles to a video or series of videos, which will enhance your media-based project or technology-based solution.
I plan to learn film making principles that will enhance my current ‘newbie’ abilities in the arena of filmmaking and iMovie11
Month 4 - GSM
● Implement your media-based project or technology-based solution with your target audience test group.
● Create a video - 4-5 minutes in length - to present your CSC project.
● Present your video to certificate panel in a virtual environment.
My target audience test group will view the videos created, and, these videos will also be presented for review by the FSO certificate panel.
When writing the script for the videos, I will have it reviewed by an expert Internet marketing coach, as well as by my target market test group. Once any necessary revisions are made, and the short video series is created, again, the test group will review for feedback and revisions. I also will evaluate to determine if I have met my objectives for this project.
Reflection: Create a product (your choice) to reflect on the entire process. Ask yourself:
What did you learn in terms of content and skills?
What would you do differently if you could start at the beginning and repeat the process?
Where will this take you in the future?
Post this to the CSC Project page of your blog.
I will complete this reflection at the end of the certificate program. As that time nears, I will know what type of product I will present this in, whether a written report, powerpoint presentation, audio, or otherwise
W4 - RILS - Links to Comments 2
Follow this link to access the RILS Social Bookmarking for Professionals. Learn about
the Emergent Technology that utilizes
The video on this page is great...Be sure to check out the video when you go to the site
the Emergent Technology that utilizes
Diigo (social bookmarking tool), Google Reader (RSS reader), and iGoogle (personalized homepage to host these tools)
The video on this page is great...Be sure to check out the video when you go to the site
And, when you visit this page on Educator Studio, be sure to note the comment that I left about the video...and be sure to add your own thoughts and comments about this RILS!
W4 - RILS - Links to Comments 1
I visited Cyndee Taresh's RILS posted on Educator Studio called
Adult Distance Learning new Web 2.0 Tool: Wordle
Her RILS is target for Global Adult Learners and teaches about using Wordle
to create a graphic representation of the student, or their job, school, home, etc.
To see this RILS go to this link:
You will be able to watch the related video created by Cyndee, and, as you can see below the video, I commented on her RILS.
Be sure to head on over to check out what Cyndee has put together for you!
re: RILS is available in Educator Studio
Well, after many times of trying to get into Educator Studio and not receiving a password, this morning I FINALLY made it in. So the good news is, my Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario is now available for viewing in Educator Studio at:
I'd love to hear your comments.
I'd love to hear your comments.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario (RILS)
Hi Everyone!
Wow. I have learned a lot in the process of utilizing www.freeconferencing.com as the choice of tools for the RILS project. I hosted a free conference call for a group of 5 people that committed to join me on the call. The topic was The Top 5 Things That Stop You From Living a Wealthy Life I practiced operating the free teleconference dash board a couple days before the call. I had a friend call me and I learned how to operate everything and to record the call. I sent out emails and handouts to all of the people joining me with details about the call, i.e. date, time, call-in number, etc. The handouts included an outline for them to follow along and take notes and an evaluation form which I told them they could either fill out and return to me directly after the call, or, that we could discuss the questions at the end of the call while still on the line.
The call was GREAT! I had an outline with a few notes of the 5 items of discussion. I had decided upon an interactive call, rather than writing up a script in advance, and it proved to be the best way with this small group. The sharing and discussion was inspiring and eye opening for all of us in many ways. The group feedback, which they all decided to share on the phone, was an overwhelming YES it was helpful and they shared what they learned and how it will be put into practice in their lives. They thought the format was great and that the interactive format was so powerful. They agreed that the flow of the presentation went well. There were a couple suggestions of ways I might improve upon this presentation, such as spending a little more time at the beginning of the call telling about me and who I am.
I decided to focus my video on this project on promoting my online business and a product I designed and developed called the Heart Wealth Creation Blueprint. However, you could use make a simple video also to promote a teleconference call.
Below is the video and a copy of my RILS which I also am uploading to Educator Studio. I'd love to hear your comments, thoughts and feelings about any of this. I'm hoping the embedding of the video works. If, by chance, you cannot see it here, you may also view it at this link:
The teleconferencing format offers the opportunity for a learning experience where information shared from the presenter is enhanced by interaction and sharing amongst the group of participants on the call. It motivates the audience to join in a movement that is creating an environment that supports collective action towards the mission of the company or organization. In addition to the opportunity to motivate and encourage collective, it also creates a community that provides education, resources and supports to assist each participant towards making positive changes in their own lives and goals.
Participants in the teleconference will provide feedback on their experience. The presenter will reflect on the experience by reading the feedback from evaluations from participants and by listening to the recording they made of the conference call. This will give the presenter an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of the call and to learn how to improve upon it.
Wow. I have learned a lot in the process of utilizing www.freeconferencing.com as the choice of tools for the RILS project. I hosted a free conference call for a group of 5 people that committed to join me on the call. The topic was The Top 5 Things That Stop You From Living a Wealthy Life I practiced operating the free teleconference dash board a couple days before the call. I had a friend call me and I learned how to operate everything and to record the call. I sent out emails and handouts to all of the people joining me with details about the call, i.e. date, time, call-in number, etc. The handouts included an outline for them to follow along and take notes and an evaluation form which I told them they could either fill out and return to me directly after the call, or, that we could discuss the questions at the end of the call while still on the line.
The call was GREAT! I had an outline with a few notes of the 5 items of discussion. I had decided upon an interactive call, rather than writing up a script in advance, and it proved to be the best way with this small group. The sharing and discussion was inspiring and eye opening for all of us in many ways. The group feedback, which they all decided to share on the phone, was an overwhelming YES it was helpful and they shared what they learned and how it will be put into practice in their lives. They thought the format was great and that the interactive format was so powerful. They agreed that the flow of the presentation went well. There were a couple suggestions of ways I might improve upon this presentation, such as spending a little more time at the beginning of the call telling about me and who I am.
I decided to focus my video on this project on promoting my online business and a product I designed and developed called the Heart Wealth Creation Blueprint. However, you could use make a simple video also to promote a teleconference call.
Below is the video and a copy of my RILS which I also am uploading to Educator Studio. I'd love to hear your comments, thoughts and feelings about any of this. I'm hoping the embedding of the video works. If, by chance, you cannot see it here, you may also view it at this link:
elevant and Innovate Learning Scenario
Utilizing FreeTeleconference.com
Donna Packard
Brief Overview:
As an entrepreneur growing an online business, using this tool this offers me the opportunity to provide valuable content to my audience so that they may get to know, like and trust me. Recognizing the value of the content offered on this call, the potential customers will be motivated to purchase educational products and coaching services from me. The video example I am including is an example of how one might promote an upcoming teleconference, event or may be utilized to promote the business in general. The video I created promotes a product I created and am selling online. Teleconference calls are another great way to promote a product, a business, a service, or a upcoming event. You may also use teleconferencing for meetings, teaching, and collaborating. You might have a single teleconference call for a meeting or for a presentation, or, you might set up a monthly class or meeting at a specified time.
My target audience includes spiritually-oriented and solo entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants. The target audience is generally women ranging in age from 35 to 65. Utilizing teleconferencing may be transferred to many other learning environments. Determine your audience and be sure that what you are presenting, discussing or sharing is relevant to your participants.
As a presenter, you must have access to Teleconference.com, thus, you need Internet access and telephone service. First, determine your goals and objectives for the call. It is recommended that, as the presenter, you prepare a script or outline for the teleconference. This will keep you focused and on track to be certain you are meeting your objectives and desired outcomes for the teleconference.
You may also want to include handouts that may be sent in advance to participants via E-mail and they may then download and print these handout files from their computers. It helps visual and tactile learners to follow-along when you provide them with an outline to fill in. This also gives your listeners a place to take notes. You may also want to include a survey they can complete and return to you to gather feedback about the call. This will help you improve the process and assist you in finding out what worked well and what didn’t. This will give you the opportunity to evaluate whether or not you met your objectives for the call and will help you improve upon your presentation, facilitation skills and content.
Participants in the call must have telephone access for listening and discussion, and also, Internet access to download handouts and receive your E-mail communications.
This Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario will teach you to:
· Assess who your target audience is and their needs
· Determine how the audience will participate in the format of the presentation and discussion on this conference call
· Design and deliver relevant and meaningful content to a specific audience and motivate the audience to take action
· Analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the teleconference call system and content
· Utilize Free Conference Call with their audience
· Compare Free Conference Call conferencing services to determine the level of service appropriate for their needs
a. Determine the goals and objectives for your teleconference and who you target audience is.
b. Compare Conference Call Services at www.freeconferencecall.com/services.asp to determine appropriate level of service.
c. Sign up for the Free Conference Call service of your choice.
d. Learn steps to hosting a call and how to navigate FreeConferenceCall. You will be provided with directions from FreeConferenceCall after you register. This will include a
Call-in number and access code for you as the host and you will be given a number and access code to provide to your participants.
e. Plan your call and create your content and handouts.
f. Set a date and schedule your teleconference call.
g. Invite guests via e-mail, phone, social media, and other means to reach your desired audience giving them the call-in number. Be sure to get their E-mail address so that you may send handouts.
h. Send handouts via E-mail to all participants in advance of the teleconference call.
i. Hold your teleconference.
j. Reflection and Evaluation
Emergent Technology
The technology utilized for this is Free Conference Call which may be accessed at www.freeconferencecall.com/services.asp . This technology allows users to join in the conference call from anywhere. There are also options for recording the call and for using Web Controls to monitor the call.
Social Participation/Learning
The teleconferencing format offers the opportunity for a learning experience where information shared from the presenter is enhanced by interaction and sharing amongst the group of participants on the call. It motivates the audience to join in a movement that is creating an environment that supports collective action towards the mission of the company or organization. In addition to the opportunity to motivate and encourage collective, it also creates a community that provides education, resources and supports to assist each participant towards making positive changes in their own lives and goals.
As the host, or presenter, of the teleconference, you determine what methods you will use to engage your callers. You may want to have an interactive call where you introduce topics for discussion, or you may want to present a script you have written and then have time for question and answers. You may decide to provide them with a handout in advance where they are contemplating the topics of discussion. You may want to include questions within the handout, or in the teleconference, to encourage critical thinking and sharing. Or, you might want to do a survey in advance, or during the call, to determine such things as the problem or challenge your audience is facing to which you might provide a solution.
Making Connections
The presenter bridges their presentation skills with technology.
They take basic Internet skills to another level with the addition of learning how to manage the teleconference from the web, as well as learn to teach in a new way by presenting in this teleconferencing call format. They also must connect to their target audience by assessing the needs of their audience, the ways in which they learn, the language that they use to take their audience to a new level of understanding.
Readers will be able to produce their own teleconference as well as be inspired by the video to creatively promote the teleconference to their target audience.
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
Content | Content was not clearly thought out or relevant to the target audience’s needs. It did not solve a problem for the audience. The content was unfocused. | Content is relevant to the audience, but does not have a clear goal. It is not focused on motivating the audience to take an action. | Content is relevant and meaningful to a specified target audience. Content solved a problem the audience is facing. It was presented in a logical and interesting sequence that the audience could relate to. The content was well thought out so that it motivated t he audience to take an action. |
Techno-logy | The presenter did not practice with Free Teleconference and fumbled a lot with having things within this platform operate smoothly during the call. The presenter did not prepare for recording the call or become familiar with the web monitoring system in advance | The presenter Informed participants of call in details in advance and was prepared to lead the discussion on the call. The presenter did not prepare in advance for recording the call or utilizing the web monitoring system. | The presenter effectively utilized the FreeTeleconference web monitor, and recording capabilities. The presenter informed participants in advance with call-in details and had a recording of the call for sharing and evaluation purposes. |
Delivery | The presenter did not thoroughly grasp the information being presented and was uncomfortable with answering questions from the audience. Facilitation skills were lacking allowing some participants to take the group off track and off focus. There were no handouts or visuals. | The presenter presented in a logical manner and had a strong grasp of the content. However, the presenter had some difficulty with keeping the group on track during discussions. | The presenter delivered in a clear voice and assured there were openings for participant sharing and participation. The presenter was warm and welcoming and also utilized facilitation methods to keep the presentation moving forward and to the planned timeframe. The presenter also created and sent handouts to participants in advance of the teleconference to meet the needs of visual learners. |
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