Saturday, October 22, 2011

CSC Project Action Plan

Donna Packard
EMDT Certificate Action Plan for Certificate Student Capstone (CSC) Project
October 2011

Goal/End Product:
I am planning to create a short video series to provide educational content to my online audience. This will also serve as a marketing tool. I will offer this educational video series for free to prospective customers/clients.

Target Audience:
My target audience are spiritually-oriented women entrepreneurs, solo entrepreneurs, coaches, and practitioners between the ages of 35 and 65. The needs and wants of this audience will effect my decisions so that what I have to offer will solve a problem or challenge they are facing.

Experts or test group:
My test group is made up of 4 spiritually oriented entrepreneurs all of whom are starting or developing a spiritually-oriented practice or business.

The overall goal of this project is for me to further develop my educational design skills and to integrate this with utilization of media/technology tools, improving upon my very basic knowledge of filmmaking, etc. My goal is to create educational products that are professionally designed, developed and presented.


Plan and Design scripts of video presentations.
Determine content and relevance to my target audience.
Identify video series by successful Internet information marketers to serve as models upon which to base my presentation.
Develop and produce the video series.
Review the video series in collaboration with target audience test team.
Evaluate the effectiveness of the videos.
Present the project to the certificate panel in a virtual environment.
Upload final video series to sales pages
Distribute sales page to potential customers via e-mail and social media

Materials and Resources:
Take online courses in the Full Sail University Education and Media Technology Certificate program with access to all materials, classes, resources as provided by the instructor and school.
MacBook Pro with relevant software including iMovie11
Models from successful online internet marketers to follow
Ability to work within Wordpress environment to design webpages for people to sign up for the free video series. This is important to collect names and email address for building my list of prospective customers. for training purposes

Procedure and Timeline:

To complete my planned project within the time frame of the EMDT program, I must complete the steps within 4 months.
I am planning to use AceProject since I wanted a free project management system.
Click this link to Ace Project. However, if I find this does not offer me the best system for this project, I may changeover to another management system.

Steps include:
Completion of all four FSO courses and projects within them. See sections below, Months 1 through 4 for goals within each of those sections.
Within these course time frames, during Month 2, I will determine the instructional design of my project and videos. I will have access to an expert internet marketing coach during the early weeks of November and will get feedback from her, in addition to instructor feedback.
During Month 3, I will learn filmmaking techniques and develop the short video series.
In Month 4, I will present this series to my target audience test group for feedback and revisions as needed.
Resources: Please keep a running list of the resources you gather and use through the process.

Resources to date include: and the blog I set up to present projects to instructors and other students
My blog URL is
iGoogle for quick access to my online environment
Google documents to share and update my action plan with FSO staff and other students in the program for training

Month 1 - ETC
● Create Action Plan
● Identify goals, objectives, and end product - what do you want to accomplish with this certificate?
● Create calendar or timeline with action required task list.
● Begin CSC Project
The Action Plan is complete. It may be revised as I learn more and determine there are additional steps or resources needed.

Month 2 - DAE
● Incorporating solid instructional design methods and learning theory into your media-based project or technology-based solution.
I plan to utilize this time to design the videos to be certain the content is both meaningful for my audience and that it is also designed to motivate them to action.

Month 3 - FPE
● Apply professional film making principles to a video or series of videos, which will enhance your media-based project or technology-based solution.
I plan to learn film making principles that will enhance my current ‘newbie’ abilities in the arena of filmmaking and iMovie11

Month 4 - GSM
● Implement your media-based project or technology-based solution with your target audience test group.
● Create a video - 4-5 minutes in length - to present your CSC project.
● Present your video to certificate panel in a virtual environment.
My target audience test group will view the videos created, and, these videos will also be presented for review by the FSO certificate panel.

When writing the script for the videos, I will have it reviewed by an expert Internet marketing coach, as well as by my target market test group. Once any necessary revisions are made, and the short video series is created, again, the test group will review for feedback and revisions. I also will evaluate to determine if I have met my objectives for this project.

Reflection: Create a product (your choice) to reflect on the entire process. Ask yourself:
What did you learn in terms of content and skills?
What would you do differently if you could start at the beginning and repeat the process?
Where will this take you in the future?
Post this to the CSC Project page of your blog.

I will complete this reflection at the end of the certificate program. As that time nears, I will know what type of product I will present this in, whether a written report, powerpoint presentation, audio, or otherwise

1 comment:

  1. Find fantastic your work. It is neat, clean, and above all very creative. Your marketing proposal is great, focused on coaches and spiritual guides. The world really need that these people spread all ther knowledge ( of motivation, self-action, peace , social help, etc..) around. It will follow your blog.
